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Tea Time Tuesday
Each of us has a deep longing to be loved, to have our lives validated, to know that we matter and have a purpose — a place to belong. It is a longing in our hearts because God put it there. Our need for this never ends.
God designed, family, mothers the ability to build a strong home culture of love so that these deep needs would be met through roots, strength, security, stability, direction.
Building an environment of love, grace, belonging, so that each child who is welcomed into her home, will sense a wellspring in their hearts that says, "I have a history. I am a Clarkson, we love each other, we belong to each other, we will always have stability because we are a part of this family circle of love."
Shaping a family culture of love takes time, intention, does not just happen by chance.
A child who is given a place to build roots, foundations of moral strength, affection, unconditional love, forgiveness, a safe haven in which to grow, can carry stability in their souls their whole lives, and will find the strength to face the trials of life and the challenges.
A child can be given all the experiences and material things the world has to offer, but if his soul is starving, empty or filled with the anger or rejection, even simple passivity (which communicates worthlessness), will have difficulty filling this cavernous hole the rest of his life, will look for love and validation in all the wrong places.
A mother's love and legacy is one of the most powerful influences in the world, will determine the strength, history of a culture. But to provide such a legacy in the lives of our children requires a choice. The choice is to serve, give, train, instruct, provide, and encourage again and again. This choice will have eternal consequences, because the souls of the children raised in such a home will be strong, beautiful, spiritual, healthy and purposefully formed. Choices have consequences.
Few things will last after we die, but our children and their children will live throughout eternity. What we do as mothers, therefore, has eternal significance.
Today on my podcast I will list 5 ways to cultivate a culture of love.