Tea Time Tuesday: Subduing Our Worlds, Caring for Our Life

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“God blessed them and said, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.’”

Subdue: To work and rule over something in such a way as to cause it to flourish. Bringing order out of chaos.

On today’s Tea Time Tuesday podcast, I address what it looks like to bring beauty from chaos, light to darkness, care for our worlds to cause them to flourish. Even as God brought design, beauty and order to our world, so in His image, we do the same—but within our unique personalities, preferences and culture. We model to our children what it looks like to “take care” of our worlds of life and love.

“Mama, home was the place where my faith was ignited, my heart was filled with love, my mind was stretched to think profoundly, and my life was filled with beauty and goodness in every possible way. I never knew until now how much work, effort, and vision it cost you. Thank you for doing all the hard work, Mama. It was a gift to all of us.”

What deep joy filled my heart as one of my adult children reflected upon this as we were walking together in local parks. I’m not sure they could appreciate it when they were growing up in my home. As I look back over my life as one who was responsible to bring order to my home, to bring harmony in our relationships, to create beauty in the midst of a dark time, I realize that much of my time was like wrestling to tame a wild beast. It was almost never easy, often looked messy from the outside and I was often so very weary and drained.

Yet, the more I understood that I was fashioned by God to bring life, to be a representation of His presence in the world, to see my domain as a place of influence and a place where human beings would be shaped in order to thrive, I could keep going. As long as my vision was clear and growing, my energy to pursue that vision kept coming one day at a time. Now, I see how very much it mattered.