Refresh, Relax, Restore: Life is a Marathon & podcast


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Sometimes a girl just has to take care of herself. Sometimes, a girl just needs a break from the mundane responsibilities of life. Sugar cookies have been a guilty pleasure of mine since I was a little girl. (Maybe it was the Christmas cookies with all that frosting.

But I ate these wonderful cookies and didn’t feel a bit of guilt.

No matter how hard we try, none of us is able to control all of the circumstances and moments of our lives.

And we are all human beings—fragile—and limited. We need to take time to refresh, relax and restore. From time to time, when my four were much younger, and I had pushed them to their limits during the day without a nap, too much activity, beyond their bedtime, too much sugar, and sometimes with lots of over-stimulation, bedtime would be impossible. Out of utter fatigue, they would wail and cry, throw little fits and not give into sleep until their bodies finally capitulated to utter exhaustion. Their reaction was equal to the level of exhaustion and abuse their bodies had taken.

I realized that there was nothing to do except let them cry and fuss until they finally fell deep into sleep. They didn't need to be disciplined--they needed to be loved and rested. Only when they caught up on their rest and their metabolism went back to a normal blood sugar level over a couple of days, were they less agitated.

Mamas do the same thing, at times. When living without enough sleep, and eating too much junk food, with work and taking care of others--who are often immature, irritating and draining, wrapping presents, cooking, life takes them to utter exhaustion, they are prone to fits expressed in different ways.

We cry, too--but in a more adult way. By being grumpy, irrationally angry, irritated or tearful at the smallest circumstances, our bodies rebel at exhaustion and show us that we have abused them.

Our hearts will not have peace until our bodies have had rest.

You matter, you are worth it, You need to take care of yourself.


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