Becoming A Book Girl: New Podcast with Sarah & Sally — SallyClarkson.com

Becoming A Book Girl: New Podcast with Sarah & Sally


"There are moments when it seems the clouds of life part and the sun comes peeking through like a warm blanket grace, wrapping around my soul. It feels as if God is tenderly bending down to kiss my cheek to remind me of his affection and grace."

"This sunshine invaded my life when I had my first child, Sarah."

"I was not prepared to be a proper mother. I had never changed a diaper, had only babysat once that I remember, and was totally ill-equipped to know what to do. Not being practical by nature, I awkwardly learned how to meet her basic physical needs. But I mainly dreamed of caring for my little one by attentively investing in her mind and soul. "

"Prior to Sarah's birth, I had lived in Vienna, surrounded by highly intellectual and educated adults from then international community of the United Nations with diplomats, expats, and people from countless nations and every walk of life coming through the international chapel where my husband and I worked. Though I had a college degree, had studied four different languages in the countries where I had lived, and had taken theology classes with my husband, Clay, while he was in seminary, I felt keenly the lack of a broad and well developed education in my own life."

Book Girl: A Journey Through the Treasures and Transforming Power of a Reading Life

By Sarah Clarkson

And so begins the intro Sarah allowed me to write for her newest book. It has inspired me, challenged me, brought tears of gratefulness to my eyes and made me aware of how much God had affection for me to bring such a gift as her into my life. 

I know you will love the podcast today, and even more, I know you will be challenged and blessed to your toes as you read this book. I pray you are inspired today as you listen to our time together to renew your commitment to take care of your own soul by taking intentional time to invest in it. 

