Lifegiving Podcast Series: Susie Davis, A Seasoned Parent


Clay and I are so very excited to launch our newest book, The Lifegiving Parent, one week from now. Parenting is one of the most profound legacies you will leave in your lifetime. We hope that as you read our new book and listen to the podcasts, you will feel that you are supported, encouraged and guided with new ideas in your journey as a parent.

Be sure to order your copy and the study guide soon because Clay and I have a podcast series starting Monday, May 8, for you to listen to with friends, your husband or alone that will follow the 8 parenting principles to guide your journey. We had so much fun doing this series together. 

We have had such a great time interviewing different parents asking them to share some of their best ideas and advice about being a parent who raises their children for Christ. Today is our first such podcast. We hope you will enjoy this series and glean from the many ideas shared in the next two weeks.

You will love Susie Davis. She is a seasoned mom, an author and loves to encourage those in her ministry. You will be refreshed by our time shared on this podcast, Thanks, Susie.

I had already written The Lifegiving Home (with our daughter Sarah) and The Lifegiving Table, so when Clay suggested the idea of The Lifegiving Parent, I was thrilled. It would not only complete a “Lifegiving” trilogy but would also finally provide the book that all those moms for so many years had been asking for—and not just for their husbands but for themselves as well. It pulls together many of the messages we’ve taught through the years into a book that couples can read together to shape a philosophy of how to give their children the life of God in their homes. It’s not just about giving your children a Christian life but also about giving them the life of Christ. That’s what it means to be a lifegiving parent.

If you want to feel that cool breeze of God’s life blowing through your home and family, I pray this book will show you how to make that happen. It’s not a formula but simply a way of life and faith—it’s a lifegiving heart and mind-set. I’m excited for you as you read this book, not just because of what it will do for your family today but also because God’s life coming alive in your home can shape genera- tions to come through your children and their children. Lifegiving parenting will help you and your children to find yourselves in God’s epic story—and to live the story He is writing through and for you.

Be sure to listen to her podcast and look at her books and blog. You can find everything Susie @ :